|Char|Name|Arg n|Implicit| |-|-|-|-| |R|RIGHT|rotate the right face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |L|LEFT|rotate the left face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |U|UP|rotate the top face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |D|DOWN|rotate the bottom face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |F|FRONT|rotate the front face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |B|BACK|rotate the back face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |M|MID_L|rotate the middle layer inwards from the left face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |E|MID_D|rotate the middle layer inwards from the bottom face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |S|MID_F|rotate the middle layer inwards from the front face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |&|EXIT|exit if the value of memory location n is nonzero|n = 6| |+|ADD|notepad += memory location n|n = 6| |-|SUB|notepad -= memory location n|n = 6|USELESS IMPLICITLY| |*|MUL|notepad *= memory location n|n = 6| |/|DIV|notepad /= memory location n|n = 6|USELESS IMPLICITLY| |_|MOD|notepad %= memory location n|n = 6|USELESS IMPLICITLY| |^|POW|notepad **= memory location n|n = 6| |=|EQ|notepad = (notepad == memory location n)|n = 7| |<|LT|notepad = (notepad < memory location n)|n = 7|PROBABLY| |>|GT|notepad = (notepad > memory location n)|n = 7|PROBABLY ||XOR|notepad = (notepad ⊕ memory location n)|n = 6|USELESS IMPLICITLY| |«|LSHIFT|notepad <<= memory location n|n = 6|USELESS IMPLICITLY| |»|RSHIFT|notepad >>= memory location n|n = 6|USELESS IMPLICITLY| |·|AND|notepad &= memory location n|n = 6|USELESS IMPLICITLY| |||OR|notepad |= memory location n|n = 6|USELESS IMPLICITLY| |:|SET|notepad = memory location n|n = 7| |@|PUTCHAR|print memory location n as an ASCII character|n = 6| |%|PRINT|print memory location n as an integer|n = 6| |$|READ|read an integer into input buffer n times|n = 1| |~|GETCHAR|read an ASCII character into input buffer n times|n = 1|