
Below are tables containing Cubically's commands. You can find them all formatted in a simple table in the quick reference.

  • Name - the short, capitalized name of the command
  • Char - the character(s) in the source that call the command
  • Arg n - what the command does when called with argument n
  • Implicit - what the command does when called without arguments

Cube commands

|Char|Name|Arg n|Implicit| |-|-|-|-| |R|RIGHT|rotate the right face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |L|LEFT|rotate the left face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |U|UP|rotate the top face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |D|DOWN|rotate the bottom face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |F|FRONT|rotate the front face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |B|BACK|rotate the back face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |M|MID_L|rotate the middle layer inwards from the left face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |E|MID_D|rotate the middle layer inwards from the bottom face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1| |S|MID_F|rotate the middle layer inwards from the front face 90


clockwise n times|n = 1|

There are two things notable about cube commands:

  • ' is synonymous to 3 in source code.
  • Commands can have subscripts and superscripts attached to them. For more information, see turning inner layers.


|Char|Name|Arg n|Implicit| |-|-|-|-| |&|EXIT|exit if the value of memory location n is nonzero|n = 6| |+|ADD|notepad += memory location n|n = 6| |-|SUB|notepad -= memory location n|n = 7| |*|MUL|notepad *= memory location n|n = 6| |/|DIV|notepad /= memory location n|n = 7| |_|MOD|notepad %= memory location n|n = 6| |^|POW|notepad **= memory location n|n = 6| |=|EQ|notepad = (notepad == memory location n)|n = 7| |<|LT|notepad = (notepad < memory location n)|n = 7| |>|GT|notepad = (notepad > memory location n)|n = 7| ||XOR|notepad = (notepad ⊕ memory location n)|n = 6| |«|LSHIFT|notepad <<= memory location n|n = 6| |»|RSHIFT|notepad >>= memory location n|n = 6| |·|AND|notepad &= memory location n|n = 6| |||OR|notepad |= memory location n|n = 6| |:|SET|notepad = memory location n|n = 7|


|Char|Name|Arg n|Implicit| |-|-|-|-| |@|PUTCHAR|print memory location n as an ASCII character|n = 6| |%|PRINT|print memory location n as an integer|n = 6| |$|READ|read an integer into input buffer n times|n = 1| |~|GETCHAR|read an ASCII character into input buffer n times|n = 1|


|Char|Name|Behavior| |-|-|-| ||SOLVE|insert moves to solve the cube from the current state at the current point in the code| ||PRINTCUBE|print the cube| ||EVAL|read a line from stdin and insert it into the code|

None of these commands take arguments.

Here are commands that have special behavior:


( and ) make up loops.

  • (...) will execute the code ... forever.
  • (0...) will execute the code ... if the memory location 0 is nonzero, and loop while that is still


  • (...)0 will execute the code ..., and loop while memory location 0 is nonzero.
  • (12...)34 will execute the code ... if either the memory location 1 or 2 is nonzero, and loop while

(memory location 1 or memory location 2) and (memory location 3 or memory location 4) are nonzero.


? is an if-nonzero conditional. ! is an if-zero conditional.

  • ?6. will execute . if memory location 6 is nonzero.
  • !6. will execute . if memory location 6 is zero.
  • ?6{...} will execute ... if memory location 6 is nonzero.
  • !6{...} will execute ... if memory location 6 is zero.

Note that if ? and ! when called implicitly are equivalent to ?6 and !6, respectively.


f calls a function. Unlike the rest of the commands in Cubically, f can be called with multiple-digit


See functions for more information.